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2018-04-28 - 14th Annual Spring Tea
West Park Recreation Center

The Township of Ocean Historical Museum Spring Tea was held on Saturday, April 28 at the West Park Recreation Center in Ocean.  It really takes a village to run the Spring Tea, including tea committee members, quilters, sewers, sandwich and treat makers, favors, fundraising, and baskets.  We had 36 gift baskets and a door prize, mostly comprised of useful gift cards and certificates for restaurants, spa, hairdresser, manicures, theaters, golf, birthday parties, gyms, etc. the basket committee was Brenda Wityk, Cheryl Miller, and Diana Gentile.  The delicious tea sandwiches and treats were made by museum tea committee members and headed by Marge Edelson. Claire Taylor, a museum Junior Docent, entertained with two songs.   Heather MacDonald was Mrs. Woolley and told a story about buying tea at the general store with her daughter.  Paul Edelson, Museum President, welcomed all guests.  Marge surprised museum member Marion Volger with a birthday cake and everyone sang for her 93rd birthday!  The tea sold out quickly again this year and we had 87 in attendance.  The volunteers are as listed:

Brenda Wityk and Marge Edelson Chairwomen

Ginny Richmond, Phyllis Fyfe, Diana Gentile, Cheryl Miller, AnnMarie Caponi, Joal Leone, Lois Landis, Nancy Emmons, Heather MacDonald, Mary Hill, MaryAnn McKean, Sergie Conklin, Marion Vogler, Gerri Applegate, Jeanne Ribsam, Sarah Salmon, Diane Mahar, Paul Edelson, Bob Landis, Joe Carey, Gary Edelson, Jack McCormick.  Our Junior Docents:  Claire (server and entertainment), Mikayla and Brieanna.